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Minerals Unlock Microbiology of Gardening

Spencer Bath

Gardening is too often limited by context, maybe as a relaxing hobby to grow tasty food for family and friends, or maybe even to sell produce at the local farmer’s market.

Gardening with the organic approach implies a search for greater awareness of the whole, in connecting with our cosmic nature, and a means by which we may attain minerals from the soil, converted by microbiology, absorbed and provided to us by plants. These minerals are keys to unlock epigenetic potential in our coded DNA, impacting our health, vitality and meta-consciousness.

It is established that minerals affect genetic expression, along with other important health-related functions in the body. We depend on microbiology, plants, and soil to proffer these minerals in a form usable by our bodies, so a highly mineralized soil is of the utmost importance. The organic approach asks us to shift our awareness in many ways. Firstly, we escape the prison of N-P-K (a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium ratio that forms fertilizers) to enter the prism of foundational minerals, as a single ray of sunlight exits a crystal as a kaleidoscopic rainbow.

Minerals are referred to as foundational; it is from the availability and ratio of these minerals in soil that fertility unfurls. A shortage of any one mineral causes a metabolic friction, the Liebigs’s Law of Minimum. A shortage impinges potential, first in one cell, but affecting entire ecosystems. Organisms must then adjust and compensate rather than effortlessly attain an accelerated toroidal flow, or vibration.

The most effective manner in which to re-mineralize soil is to apply rock powders. We do this to replicate areas of the planet where Mother Nature demonstrates maximum fertility, typically near volcanoes where naturally high mineralization is endemic. With the Colorado plains last mineralized by the grinding, weathering movement of glaciers 10,000 years ago, our clay is long due for mineral supplementation. As we harvest, we must replace, a sobering and continual thread of the organic approach. This is bread from stones.

Rock powder sources abound. Granite, basalt, lime, zeolite and certain clays can all be used to further fertility in the soil, each with varying mineral content, physical properties, function and expression within soil dynamics. I prefer the basalts, giving high paramagnetism and a wide array of mineral content. Though minerals may not be used directly by plants, they are necessary for microbiology.

Bacteria and mycorrhizae feed on minerals within rock powders, a radically stimulated microbiome ensues. Rock powders are excellent for all methods of growing, whether container gardens, raised beds, small acreage, or established lawns and landscapes. Application recommendations vary widely, but a starting point is usually 1 ton per acre, or 10-20 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Basalt powders are insoluble, meaning they will not burn, even at rates over 10 tons per acre. Gradation, or particle size, is an important factor in choosing a material. The smaller the particle, the more easily it is broken down by microbiology and the more readily available it is. A quality powder will contain particles from 100 to 200 microns, up to sand and rice sized particles where density will hold a higher paramagnetic charge.

Think of paramagnetism as a measure of a rock powders ability to transmit and hold subtle or spiritual energies, either from the sun and planets, or from your own positive intentions.

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