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  • Writer's pictureBath Garden Center

Bee Friendly

Pollinators are responsible for the existence of the vast majority of edible and flowering plants that we enjoy and consume. Here are some of the trees, shrubs and perennials we carry that make pollinators happy!

Jacob’s Ladder

- Grows well in partial sun/partial shade

- Very fragrant

- Make for lovely cut flowers


- Partial sun to shade

- Repels deer and rabbits

- Makes for good cut flowers

- Blooms in the summer


- Exquisite blooms

- Make fore beautiful cut flowers

- Many available varieties

Bee Balm

- Full sun to partial shade

- Repels deer and rabbits

- Very fragrant

- Many different varieties are available!

Tall Garden Phlox

- Full sun to partial shade

- Repels deer

- Good cut flowers

- Fragrant

- Good mildew resistance


- Drought tolerant

- Cold hardy

- Very persistent

Butterfly Bush

- Deer resistance

- Water wise

- Fast growing - Easy care

- Blooms midsummer through fall

- Good for a wildlife garden, urban garden, hedge, firescaping/fire wise, cutting garden or border

Russian Sage

- A finely textured, upright growing plant

- Silvery gray

- Very aromatic foliage

- Purple-blue flowers that bloom in late summer

- Drought tolerant once established


- Vigorous, twining vine with dark green foliage

- Large fragrant florets

- Best in moist, well-drained soil

- Heat and drought tolerant once established

Western Catalpa

- Catalpa ovata (Chinese species of Indian Bean Tree)

- Large leaves

- Produces pea pods

- Upright, rounded structure

- Great shade tree


- There are many pollinator friendly varieties of Spirea available (shrubs, xeric variety, fragrant variety, etc.)

- Varieties require full sun

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